This Crochet Market Bag Pattern makes a light and easy-to-wash crochet tote. There’s nothing better than a crochet market bag.
For example, stash this modern, easy crochet bag in your car and take it with you every time you go shopping. Also, it’s the perfect Farmer’s market bag that you can pop in your purse.
Unlike some of the string shopping bags available, this one has a solid base. As a result, the netted stitches then radiate out of, starting small and compact and getting larger and more open as the bag grows. We prefer this construction as it makes for a stronger bag and means you avoid things poking out through the bottom – like flower stems or pointy carrots. You could totally play around with that circular base and try different designs of round crochet motif.
The crochet tote features a solid bottom, nice double handles and easy shape and size to carry all of your groceries with. In addition, it’s also perfect for summer, to use as a crochet beach bag.
As it is made with worsted weight cotton yarn. Certainly, this crochet market bag makes a perfect gift for your favorite environmentally conscious friends.
Above all, as it is made using only single and double crochet stitches, this bag is a perfect beginner Crochet Market Bag Pattern.